Sunday, May 27, 2012


This is the stuff I have packed already: pants, pj's, towels, socks,a belt, underwear, deodorant, shampoo, and conditioner. the rest of the stuff i'm bringing I am still using at the moment.

I also got a laptop from my grandparents for the trip.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Zach, bet it's hard to believe you' re leaving in 9 days! You've become an important part of RCV Farms productions now and you're going to leave a "hole" there when you go! Judah and Hada will have to work twice as hard to fill your shoes! :) that's a good thing tho. You will be a blessing to Abba, Amma, George, and others there. A huge blessing! I think it's great God chose you for this awesome opportunity. My thots and prayers will be with you!
